Our lovable group of misfits are back for another set of strange adventures in this volume
of Faux Facts. When an ordinary bake sale fuels raging feuds among the students,
Rosemary and the other girls suspect a magical reason, but is Puck really behind this? Or
could it be something else? Satellite and Daisy spend some quality time together at
a convention, before the new arrival of rainbow, a former friend of Daisy’s, turned
superstar. Both Lilac and Helena have an encounter with the other side. Our girls
definitely have their hands full juggling the mundane with the insane! Featuring special
guest art from Tvskyle, Ogawa Burruku.

"Journey to the Other Side"
"Confection Misdirection"
"Rainbow's Back"
"Tuned In"

Please Note: There may be slight differences in cover artwork due to different print runs.

Autographed Artist Edition Buy Now!

Book Only Version! Buy Here On Amazon!